miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Task Correction


Allsop Academy

This academy was a very bad school. The students did not go to a good university and the buildings were very old, etc. But, when the new headmaster, Michael Wilson, arrived everything changed. Now, the students have to follow new measurements like: correct shoes, an acceptable hair and no mobile phones in class, also the buildings changed cause now these are painted blue and yellow and the students of Allsop go to the best universities.

In my opinion this academy with this new headmaster is one of the best schools in this country, however, the only thing that I am disappointed about is that the students can not go with short hair. I recommend this school because it is a very strict and if you want to have a good future going into a good university, come to Allsop for a good education.


16th October
        Today was a good day, all started today`s morning. I went to eat some breakfast and my mom cook pizza. After breakfast I took a shower and went to the mall, I took the bus and when I arrived I went to the cinema  where there were 3 good friends. While I was waiting in the line, I found 50 dollars, on the floor! 

After seeing the movie we went to eat sushi at "sushihome", it was delicious. Then, we went to my house and other friend`s made me a surprise party, it was spectacular. All of this because tomorrow I will go to live in Scotland. 

I`m thinking what things I can do with fifty dollars, for example buying a CD or giving it to my friends, because in Scotland I don`t need dollars.I`m very nervous, I will miss them, tomorrow a new day will start.

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

Section 1 -Task 5

Vicuña Mackena 700
Steve Nash
White house
Fake street 123
1st August 2013

Hi Steve, how are you?

I found out that you want to be a television presenter! Well, to be one you need to have a clear voice, without nervous, be sure of yourself. The most difficult thing is that you don't get nervous on the stage, because if you do something wrong cause of your nerves all the people and all cameras are recording you and you will be affected. If you dominates the nerves I'm sure that you will have a lot of success!

See you later,
Sebastián Covarrubias

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Section 3 - Task 3

Surprising a friend

The last Friday was the birthday of my best friend. I organized this because he is a good friend and it was his fifteenth birthday. First I asked permission to his parents one week before the birthday day. When I have the permission I create a group in whatsapp with all his true friends. In the group we took about who bring the things like: the drinks, food, the gift, etc. The birthday day we went to my friend home, while him to the mall for distraction. We had around one hour to prepare everything and when he arrived, we jumped on him and he got surprised. He was really surprised of this party and very grateful for this. I recommend do this to yours friends, so... Do it!  

Section 2 - Task 4

How to Plan the 
Perfect Party

Do you want to do a party? Do you know what type of food you need to buy? What music do you need to put on the radio?

Well, first of all you have to ask permission to your parents, then you choose a good kind of music to dance, this are my favourite parties, with good and loud music, because if the party doesn´t have good music, everybody will get bored, for this some parties are not successful. Next you go to the supermarket and buy: coca-cola, fanta and these type of drinks. Next, you need to buy some chips, nachos, etc. And finally you invite a lot of people to came that are the best parties! So... Get up and make your party! 

My common grammar mistakes

Name: Sebastián Covarrubias    Date: Thursday 22nd, August, 2013    Grade: 8th ISE-1

Mistake Nº1: We was lost.
Correction: We were lost.

Grammar Rule: Simple past verb "to be"

Explanation of the grammar rule:

The Verb To Be

Probably the best known verb in the world: "To be or not to be..."
Forms of To Be
have / had been
am / was being
he / she / it
has / had been
is / was being
you / we / they
have / had been
are / were being
Normally we use the verb to be to show the status or characteristics of something or someone (as a stative verb). It says what I am, what you are or what something is.
Two new examples:
1.-We were having dinner                                                                                                                         2.-I was playing basketball
2 links to practice this structure:

Mistake n°2: Haslem heard this words
Correction: Haslem heard these words

Grammar Rule: "Determiners"

Explanation of the grammar rule:

1. Function
The demonstratives this, that, these, those ,show where an object or person is in relation to the speaker.
This (singular) and these (plural) refer to an object or person near the speaker. That(singular) and those (plural) refer to an object or person further away. It can be a physicalcloseness or distance as in:
  • Who owns that house? (distant)
  • Is this John's house? (near)
Or it can be a psychological distance as in:
  • That's nothing to do with me.. (distant)
  • This is a nice surprise! (near)
2. Position
  • Before the noun.
  • Before the word 'one'.
  • Before an adjective + noun.
  • Alone when the noun is 'understood'.

Two new examples:

1.-  This is your house?
2.-   I sold these candies

2 links to practice this structure:

Exercise 1: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=9426
Exercise 2:http://www.adelescorner.org/grammar/this_that/this_these.html

Mistake n°3: This Friday start the basketball competition.
Correction: This Friday starts the basketball competition.
Grammar Rule: "Simple Present"
Explanation of the grammar rule:

The affirmative form of the simple present:

I, you, we, theyplay.
He, she, itplays.
Remember the verbs in the third person singular (he,she and it) always take an "s". For example, "he plays, she sings,it works..."

Two new examples:

1.- They jump in basketball class
2.- She drives in the city 

2 links to practice this structure:

Mistake Nº 4: What music you need to put on the stereo?                                                                   Correction: What music do you need to put on the stereo?

Grammar Rule: "Auxiliaries"
Explanation of the grammar rule:

The verb do can be an auxiliary verb or a main verb in English.

do as a main verb in the Simple Present (do, does, don't, doesn't)

I, we, you, they:
do my homework in the evenings.don't do my homework in the evenings.*
he, she, it:
He does his homework in the evenings.He doesn't do his homework in the evenings.*
*Note: Here we use do in the negative sentence as an auxiliary and as a main verb.

Two news examples:

1.- I do my homework
2.- He always do exercise 

2 links to practice this structure:

Mistake Nº5: if the party have slow music.                                                                                           Correction: if the party has slow music.

Grammar Rule: "Simple Present"

Explanation of the grammar rule:

SubjectVerbThe Rest of the sentence
I / you / we / theyspeak / learnEnglish at home
he / she / itspeaks / learnsEnglish at home
Two new examples:
1.- The gym works all the day                                                                                                                     2.- You train all the day
2 links to practice this structure:

martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

Section 3 - task 5

Visiting Frutillar

The last summer I went to Frutillar with my family. When we arrived, we were lost and we asked some people, "where is located the lake?", you went down and you saw a beautiful and big lake, a small and beautiful town, a big theatre, a very big volcano, very rare and beautiful houses. There you can do a lot of things like: swim in the lake, goes to the museum, if it is raining you go to the theatre, ride bike, etc. When you go to the lake you met a lot of people, I met Kevin playing volleyball, after meeting him, we went to restaurants, play football and ride bike. If I go again to the south, I will surely came back to Frutillar.

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Section 2- task 5

Breaking a rule in the sport event

The last Saturday I went to the "airlines arena" to watch the basketball match played by "Miami heat" and "Los Angles Lakers". In the last quarter The Lakers won 100-80 and the head-coach of Miami called a time out, the number 40 of the heats named Udonis Haslem became very angry because they were losing. A fan of the Lakers was very happy and shouted "Go Lakers go! Miami is dead!" Haslem heard these words and he went to the fan and hit him! I think that this is unacceptable, so I want this player be expelled from the National Basketball Association. You need to take some measurements, so this never happen again.

Sebastián Covarrubias.

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013

Section 1- Task 3

                                                                                                                                    25 of July 2013

To: sjobs@live.com
Subject: Sport competition

Hi Steve, how are you?

Well, this Friday starts the basketball competition and I will play there! The principal rules are: Arrive before 10:00 a.m, each team goes with 8 players (5 at the field and 3 in the bench), one match consists of 4 quarters of 6 minutes one and have a lot of fun. If we win, we meet Kobe Bryant! This Wednesday and Thursday are the last two trainings to get ourselves prepared. I invite you now, if you like, go!

Sebastián Covarrubias.

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Article 200 words

Healthy Food at school
(In Chile)

Do you know how is the eating habits in your country? Do you know what type of food eat the child's at school? Well here I show you the statistics from the obesity in Chile.

Healthy foods at school is a problem today in Chile. According to Ocde Chile is the 6th country with more infant obesity around the ages of 5 and 17 in the world! This is because the kids today are in they house playing video games and they don't play much at the parks or playing football or play any games outdoor. Another thing why the children are obese is for poor eating habits, more of the kids do not eat fruit and vegetables they prefer the junk food cause it is more “delicious” but this type of food is the responsible of this obesity. The last but not least thing is that in the schools of the country don't practice so much sport and sold so much junk food is sold.
In my opinion the parents need to control their children and demand the school to do more exercise and remove the junk food from the kiosk and vending machines, but always the child has to do his part, they can play outside and less time playing videogames or in the computer, they also eat fruits and snack and vegetable, at lunch eat junk food sometimes like 1 or 2 pieces per week,it is more than enough. So..... what are you looking at this, go and play at the park with your friends!

Source: La tercera newspaper of Chile.

martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Article 400 words


Healthy food in schools:

¿Do you know that a healthy eating can prevent the obesity, diabetes and type 2 heart disease?
“You already know the importance of eating healthy, you know good nutrition and daily physical activity helps school aged children stay healthy.”
“In 2006, school food guidelines were developed as a part of Healthy Student Healthy School to create a supportive environment for healthy eating”.
The school food Guidelines include a detailed list of food and beverages that can be sold and served in your school.

Food allergies; some schools may have food restrictions if there is a student with a life-threatening food allergy. The health nurse can also provide advice on maintaining an “allergy aware” environment.
In Canada the Canada´s Food Guide encourages people to choose foods lower fat, sugar and salt, using this guide you can create healthy menus for breakfast, lunch,dinner and snack time.

Canada´s Food Guide recommends limiting foods and beverages that are high in calories,fat,sugar or salt, because these foods provide fewer of the nutrients needed for growth and development and can fill a child's stomach so they do not have room for the nutritious foods they needed.

Serving size; a food guide serving is a reference amount of food, it helps you understand how much food is recommended every day from each of the four food groups (the number of servings needed each day depends on age,body size,activity level and gender) in some cases a food guide serving may be close to what you eat, like an apple, you may serve yourself more than one food guide serving. Using the school food guidelines is a great way to provide healthy choices in schools, for more information about why foods have to be in the different categories of serving more or serving moderately if you like this information click here.

Foods not included; candies,gum,instant noodles,energy drinks,etc. These foods are not found in Canada's food guide and are generally low in nutrients and may be high in fat,sugar,salt,caffeine and calories.

Energy drinks: Do you know what are energy drinks ? Energy drinks are beverages that contain high amounts of caffeine, it may be listed as caffeine,guarana.or yerba mate on the label.Why energy drinks not be sold in schools? Because student who drinks them may have trouble concentrating in class.

healthy choices for sports: vegetables,fruit,wraps,natural juices, etc.These are some snacks to consider for school events.

Snacks: snack are an important part of what the child eats in a day and should be as nourishing as the foods offered for schools breakfast and lunch.Many of the extra calories in the snacks come from added fat.

All these information and more are taken from here

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Formal letter

Vicuña Mackena 700
The headmaster
Oregon school of English
41 roger street
23 April 2013
Dear Sir:
I´m writing this letter because I want to go to Oregon School to study one semester next year.
I have studied in an english school called "The Mackay School". At Mackay I learnt to speak, read,listen and write English, also they teach grammar but I make a lot of mistakes. I´m interested in attending your school because I think you can help me with my grammar skills.
I´d really like go to your school.
         Your sincerly
                              Sebastián Covarrubias.

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

Voice Thread

Here is the link of voice thread about our voluntier vacations in Nepal


jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Questions Andrew Lane

1.-What would be a suitable definition for the underlined words?

Hooked - Addicted

Sideline - A second occupation.

Chemistry - The science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter.

Whether - Conjunction that means "If"

Church jumble sale - Sale of unwanted orused things.

Attempting - tring to do.

Attendance - the number of people present at a certain place.

Memorabilia - matters or events worthy to be remeberd.

2.- Answer the following questions

a)How did Andrew became hooked on Sherlock Holmes stories ?

One day he buy "A Study in Scarlet" at a church jumble sale and he liked a lot and they started to buy all Sherlock Holeses stories.

b)Was Sherlock Holmes a real person ?

For me Sherlock Holmes was fiction only a character of a book, but some people say he is real.

c)Why has Andrew been criticized by some of Arthur Conan Doyle's fans?

Because, the fans says than want the book's of Andrew exactly like Arthur Conan Doyle.

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Choosen the Best Holiday

1.- Which one would you choose?

2.-What is it about the holiday that made you choose it? Be specific
Haven is about of a very funny holidays, onecan do a lot of things like: swim in a big pool, go to the beach, go cycling, do sports and a lot of things more.

3.-If you could choose one person to go with you, who would it be ? Why?
My cousin, because he likes these thing and is a very good person with me and my parents.