martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

comparing two school

How they are different 
Althaough Aconcagua and Liahona are both mixt boys and girls schools thety are different in many ways. The Aconcagua School has catolic religion whilist the Liahona school has christian religion. They are also different in that the Aconcagua School uses more technology than the Liahona School. The Liahona School uses technology but in our opinion, the Aconcagua school uses better technology than the Liahona School. Another way in wich they differ is that the Liahona has four different buildings all over the country, while the Aconcagua School has only one. Finally we can say that the Aconcagua school has more academies than the Liahona School.

How they are similar
Although the Aconcagua and Liahona schools are different in religion they are alike in some intresting ways. For example they both have good academies with great success. For example in the Liahona School, the soccer girl team won the Football Championship of the Universidad Andrs Bello and in the Aconcagua school, the futsal girl team won the Intercompany female futsal championship. They are also similar in that they are in the same rigion and in the same city so they compete each other. The Aconcagua School is the same as the Liahona in that they are both mixt private schools. The Liahona School resambles Aconcagua School in extracurricular: football,running,etc. Finally we can say that they both have cheerleader, so they can be suportive to the teams.

This work is very important and interesting , for me is very good experience because the Mackay is not the only good school in V region

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