domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Eager: It is fare and appropriate for parents to select the gender of their child, especially in cases when family balanced has an important role, for example families with lot children the same gender, which is not only unhealthy for the parents, but a poor example for the children about what the world is actually about.  
Reluctant: it is inappropriate to have in vitro fertilization for sex selection, because it is unnatural process to make a child, it is like to buy something, when it’s more important. It feels wrong if somebody wants to have a child and know the sex, perfectly you can go to an orphanage where abandonate kids don’t have parents.   
Eager: And why is it unnatural when I decided the gender of my child? When me, you and everybody else eats and drinks genet: call modified food?  Why is it inappropriate when even you also do it? What if I want a child with my own blood?
Reluctant: Is unnatural because you build a life, in the ethics way is not correct to manipulate a life, it´s true most of the food we eat is modified, but this food, it is good for our healthy? Some of this kind of food it is very dangerous for our body, produce cancer and other kinds of illness. If you want a child of your own blood; you can have sex-relation with your partner and have one child.  
Eager: Well if you see it like this you have the reason
Reluctant: It was a very good debate, goodbye.

Eager: Goodbye

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