1.- What is your piece of news about?
National news (Chile)
2.- Select three sources of information and copy the links below.
a) http://www.ilovechile.cl/2014/07/23/bachelet-promises-free-education-technical-schools-universities/115600
b) http://theconversation.com/sweeping-reforms-set-to-end-for-profit-education-in-chile-26406
c) http://rt.com/news/157880-chile-student-protest-violence/
3.- Take note of 2 or 3 comments made by one of the people involved in the the sources you chose. Write the name of the person who said that.
1) (Bachelet) She stated, “We want to live in a country where Education is not exclusive to those who can pay it, is available to everyone.
2) Melissa Sepulveda (a student leader at Universidad de Chile) "This system generates one type of education for the rich and another for the poor."
3) “We know that the government is not going to give us any concrete answers and is not going to attack the fundamental problem of education," said Lorenza Soto, spokesperson for the Assembly of Secondary Students (ACES).
The opinion of the people about the education is so relevant, the president said that the education is for every one in the country but some people are waiting the change, Melisa Sepulveda says that the actual system is one education is for the rich and another is for poor and Lorenza Soto think that the government is not gave any concrete answers and is not going to attack the principal problem of the Education in this country.